Populism and Rise of the Far-Right

Disclaimer: This post is part of a series of essays I wrote at the Young India Fellowship. This particular essay was written as a final paper for the course Globalization on Trial.

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This essay attempts to illustrate that the world order tends to oscillate between globalism and populism. Globalism is always preceded and succeeded by populism and vice versa. Additionally, this essay argues that a shift from globalism to populism is almost always influenced by cultural factors rather than economic ones.

Twenty-first-century politics has witnessed an alarming rise of populism in the United States and Europe. The first warning signs came with the UK Brexit Referendum vote in 2016 swinging in the way of Leave. This was followed by a stupendous victory by billionaire Donald Trump to become the 45th President of the United States in November 2016. Since then, Europe has seen a steady rise in populist and far-right parties that have capitalized on Europe’s Immigration Crisis to raise nationalist and anti-Europe sentiments. Some instances include Alternative for Germany (AfD) winning 12.6% of all seats and entering the Bundestag, thus upsetting Germany’s political order for the first time since the Second World War, the success of the Five Star Movement in Italy and the surge in popularity of neo-nazism and neo-fascism in countries such as Hungary, Czech Republic, Poland and Austria.

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Brexit poses some real problems for the United Kingdom in the event of a no-deal

This rise of the far-right has also, quite obviously, resulted in the decline in popularity of the left and the center-left. The Democratic Party suffered perhaps its largest upset in American Political History when its Presidential Candidate Hillary Clinton was handed a defeat by Trump despite being a clear favorite in the polls. The center-left SpD party of Germany has, for the first time, garnered fewer votes than the right-leaning AfD. The Socialists and the Labour Party in France and the Netherlands respectively also have suffered heavy defeats in parliamentary elections, resulting in significant losses of seats.

With this concise introduction in hand, in the following section, the essay will attempt to illustrate as to why this isn’t a startling phenomenon and instead was extremely predictable given the passage of human political and economic history. As mentioned earlier, the world always oscillates between populism and globalism and one is always preceded and succeeded by the other. To prove this point, this essay will present several instances from world history that clearly illustrate this trend.

As a first example, this essay will consider the Thirty Years War fought in Central Europe between 1618 and 1648. The war, one of the deadliest in human history, recorded over eight million casualties. The political and economic atmosphere of Europe, prior to the seeds of the aforementioned conflict being sown, had many similarities with a globalist ‘state’. A large part of Europe came under the Byzantine Roman Empire and it was relatively alien to the concept of nation states. Since this was an empire, there was a free flow of people and goods. Most importantly, the Protestants and the Catholics, the two major schools of belief in Europe, were free to practice their faith.

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The Thirty Years War

Tensions arose when the Holy Roman Emperor, Ferdinand II, tried to impose Roman Catholicism upon all his subjects. The result was a bloody war that lasted over three decades. The Thirty Years War validated the rise of the nation states after the end of the war. It led to the creation of the Dutch Republic, which was finally freed from Spanish rule (barring Southern Netherlands and Luxembourg). It established the dominance of France and the Bourbon Dynasty as well as facilitated the rise of the Swedish Empire.

This illustrates very clearly how a cultural clash (in terms of intolerance of a particular school of belief) triggered the shift of European political order from resembling globalism to nation states.

The following period, starting mid 17th century, saw the rise of East India Companies. The Thirty Years War was immediately followed by the Dutch Golden Age, a period facilitated by the Dutch East India Company, which went on to become the most valuable company of all time. This period also saw the beginning of British conquests into the eastern lands of India, China and Mesopotamia.

Continuing this trend into the 18th century, the European nation states colonized almost the entire known world. Aided by the Industrial Revolution starting in 1760, the world experienced globalization at a pace unparalleled until then. There was free (albeit controversial) flow of goods, people and ideas across continents. Thus, the European nation states built empires with lands spread across the world and brought in another era of globalism. In this way, the circle completed itself.

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The Industrial Revolution

The next example follows the chronological timeline set by the previous; it starts its examination from the period prior to the outbreak of the First World War. The late nineteenth century was characterized by free trade between European Powers and their colonies (albeit at the expense of the colonies).

However, victories in the 1866 Austro-Prussian War and the 1870 Franco-Prussian war established Germany as a dominant power in Europe. This created tension with the British and French Empires and there was a constant struggle in Europe to ensure a balance of power. The balance broke with the assassination of the Austrian Archduke Franz Ferdinand in June 1914 which plunged Europe, and eventually the entire world, into war.

The defeat of the Triple Entente (comprising of Germany, Austria-Hungary and Italy) to Allied Powers led to the rise of populism and the far-right in these countries. Starting the early 1930s, the Nazi party, under the leadership of Adolf Hitler, turned Germany into a far-right dictatorship. Italy witnessed a similar populist uprising in the form of Benito Mussolini. Hitler’s ideas of Lebensraum and the conviction of the superiority of the Aryan race led him to conquer Poland in 1939, which led to the outbreak of the Second World War.

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Adolf Hitler

The Second World War was the deadliest conflict in human history, with over 50 million fatalities. An Allied victory ensured the decimation of the far-right in Europe. The end of the Second World War thus marked the beginning of another shift from nation states and populism into globalism.

The second half of the twentieth century witnessed some amazing developments from the perspective of globalization. The United Nations (UN) was formed in 1945 to maintain international order and ensure that conflicts such as the Second World War didn’t take place again. The European Union was formed in 1957 with the ambitious plan of politically and economically uniting the entire continent of Europe. Economic Liberalization took place in the two largest countries in the world (by population): China, in 1978 and India, in 1991. The World Trade Organization (WTO) was founded in 1995 to regulate international trade.

But perhaps the most aggressive agent of globalization has been the dawn of the Information Age. The invention of the internet and the exponential increase for the demand in IT and software has connected the world like never before. The world has truly become a global village with everyone in the vicinity of communicating with everyone else.

If the aforementioned two examples are anything to go by, it suggests strongly that this wave of globalism will be followed by populism. This is exactly what is being witnessed in the global political landscape today. Therefore, two facts can be concluded beyond a reasonable doubt: globalism and populism operate in a cyclical manner and the preceding decades of globalism have ensured a rise of populism today.

The following sections of this essay will attempt at answering why globalism is succeeded by populist movements (usually by the far-right) by critically analyzing the economic and cultural effects of globalization. The essay will attempt to demonstrate that the latter plays a far larger and significant role than the former.

With the political climate shifting towards the idea of the nation-state (or nationalism), there have been fears of a decline in the popularity of the ideas of globalization, free trade, and open borders. Globalization has come under fire and has been castigated by populist governments worldwide. Some of the most audible dissent to globalization are economic, with the loss of jobs to immigrants, outsourcing and the dying of the manufacturing sector on account of trade and decentralization of production. Donald Trump secured a significant portion of his voter base by appealing to these sentiments. His campaign, with the tagline of Make America Great Again, promised stricter immigration laws, preferential treatment to American production and priority to jobs for Americans. Since becoming president, he has imposed trade tariffs worth hundreds of billions of dollars on countries such as Canada and China in an attempt to correct America’s trade deficit, withdrawn from the Paris Climate Agreement to save the dying coal mining industry and removed the US from the Trans-Pacific Partnership in a bid to further isolate the US from global politics and pump the budget inward.

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Henry Hazlitt

The economic arguments against globalization are, however, extremely weak and lack statistical backing. The Economist Henry Hazlitt attempts at distilling the entire field of economics to a single principle:

The art of economics consists in looking not merely at the immediate but at the longer effects of any act or policy; it consists in tracing the consequences of that policy not merely for one group but for all groups.

Globalization almost always leads to creative destruction; the phenomena of loss of livelihood to superior technology, innovation or automation. It happened with the Industrial Revolution, it happened with colonization and now, it’s happening with the advent of the Internet.

Phenomena associated with globalization such as automation, free trade, decentralization of production and the internet have led to the loss of livelihood for many people, especially those employed in blue-collar manufacturing jobs.

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However, this has also ensured that more output is created with lesser input thus driving down prices and increasing the variety of goods and services available to consumers. In its essence, this is the duty of an economy: to produce as much as possible at the lowest cost. Productivity is the only thing that should count. Lower prices of goods implies consumers have more disposable income in their hands. This stream of extra money, therefore, has the potential to create new industries and jobs for goods and services that people can afford now with the extra money. With Adam Smith’s Invisible Hand argument, it can be shown that the displaced people can actually move to these industries, thus returning the economy back to a stable equilibrium.

Therefore, it can be seen quite clearly that, in the long term, globalization affects all groups positively even in the face of creative destruction.

It is indeed true that globalization displaces some communities in the short run. However, the number of people displaced is dwarfed by the number of people reaping economic gains. It doesn’t make any economic sense at all to discard globalization for its minimal short term side effects. For instance, there are 135,000 works in the US Apparel Industry and 45 million Americans who live below the poverty line. It doesn’t make any economic sense to increase the price of clothing for millions of poor Americans (by banning clothing imports) to ensure a few hundred thousand get to keep their low income, low skill jobs. Following Hazlitt’s principle, it is in the greater interest of a society or country to only produce those goods and services it has a competitive advantage over and imports the rest. Globalization facilitates this and thus ensures stronger economies.

Finally, it is a misconception that the financial crisis created by globalism led to the rise of populism. Many associate the 2008 Economic Crisis as the starting point of Trumpism. However, by the time Americans were voting in 2016, the economy had fully recovered. Also, contrary to what Steve Bannon had claimed, a Gallup poll showed conclusively that non-supporters of Trump were just as likely as the supporters to be unemployed. Shifting our focus to the east, there is almost zero correlation between economic prosperity and the rise of the far-right in Europe too. Norway, Sweden, Denmark, Poland and Finland, all have right-wing populist ruling parties in spite of being some of the most economically prosperous countries in Europe. Therefore, it is imperative that we search for a stronger, alternate reason to explain these shifts.

Apart from economic crises, another school of dissent against globalization comes from cultural homogenization. Since globalization, by its very nature, results in the migration of people from one place to another, it also leads to the transport of cultures. More often than not, tensions arise as a result of the clash of cultures and this leads to the creation of nationalistic sentiments, often at the expense of the immigrants.

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Migration is often cited as one of the biggest problems of globalization. However, the economic argument against migration is extremely weak. Take the United States, for instance. Only 33% of Americans hold college degrees and there are simply not enough Americans available to fill in for high skilled jobs. This availability gap is often filled by immigrants. Immigrant communities from India and China are significantly more prosperous, wealthy and educated than the average American.

The phobia against migration stems from xenophobia. Humans are, anthropologically speaking, xenophobic by nature. It is a trait that has allowed mankind to survive and eventually dominate the planet. Humans tend to form communities around ideas or traits and this sense of community is amplified when it comes in conflict with a rival community.

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The Syrian Civil War

The Syrian Civil War resulted in one of the biggest refugee crisis of all time. This European Refugee Crisis is one of the main reasons for the rise of the far right in Europe. Most of the refugees from the Middle East were Muslims and the integration of Islamic values and traditions at such a humongous scale was the seed of conflict between the immigrants and the largely Christian natives.

Populism, therefore, is fed by xenophobia and racism. It stems from an inherent fear of the European natives for a loss of their culture and identity. Islam is seen as a direct threat to their culture. Harmonic multiculturalism, although a novel concept on paper, is extremely difficult to witness in practicality.

This fear is amplified by a fear of security. Since the starting of the refugee influx into Europe, there have been several, large scale terrorist attacks in major European cities with refugee perpetrators. France witnessed attacks in Nice and Paris in 2015 and 2016 that resulted in hundreds of death. Great Britain, too, has had its share of violence in the form of the Manchester Bombing in 2017 and semi-regular instances of refugee violence in London.

These attacks have led people to associate all refugees as terrorists, rapists, and haters of Europe; although an extremely negligible fraction of them are involved with extremism. Similar rhetoric was used to great success by Donald Trump through his stance on immigration and the wall on the US-Mexican border.

As we have already seen, cultural factors usually are the trigger for the genesis of populist movements. The Thirty Years War started when Catholicism was forced on the people. World War 2 occurred largely in part of Hitler’s goal to establish Aryan dominance and decimate any race that he thought inferior.

Therefore, it can be stated that globalism leads to multiculturalism which in turn leads to a clash of cultures and idea. These clashes form the breeding ground for chauvinism and populist movements and play a far greater role in the shift than economic concerns.

In conclusion, this paper has illustrated through historical examples, how globalism leads to populism and vice versa. They are states through which global political order regularly oscillates between. Finally, the paper demonstrated how cultural and not economic factors played a larger role in aiding shifts from globalism to populism.


  1. Galston, William. 2018. The rise of European Populism and collapse of the Centre-Left. Brookings.
  2. Marr, Andrew. 2013. A History of the World. Pan Publishing
  3. Polišenský, P.V. 1954.  The Thirty Years War. 31-43 in Past & Present. Oxford University Press.
  4. King, Stephen. 2017. The pendulum swings between Globalisation and the Nation State. Financial Times.
  5. Kothari, Rajni. 1995. Under Globalisation: Will Nation State hold? 1593-1603 in Economic & Political Weekly Vol. 30 No. 26. Economic & Political Weekly
  6. Shuster, Simon. 2018. The Populists. TIME Magazine.
  7. Suter, Keith. 2018. The Future of the Nation-state in an Era of Globalization. 32-38 in Cadmus Journal Volume 3 Issue 4. Cadmus.
  8. Roth, Kenneth. 2017. The Dangerous Rise of Populism: Global Attacks on Human Rights Values in World Report 2017. Human Rights Watch.
  9. Cox, Michael. 2018. Understanding the Global Rise of Populism in Strategic Update, Feb 2018. LSE Ideas.
  10. Hazlitt, Henry. 1946. Economics in One Lesson. Harper & Row Publishing.
  11. Cramer, Kevin. 2007. The Thirty Years’ War and German Memory in the Nineteenth Century. 18-19 in Studies in War, Society, and the Military. University of Nebraska Press.
  12. Greg, IP. 2018. No, the Financial Crisis didn’t Spawn Populism. The Washington Journal.
  13. Argandona, Antonio. 2017. Why Populism is Rising and How to Combat it. Forbes.
  14. Malets, Olga. 2017. Globalization, governance and the nation-state: An Overview. 16-24 in Economic Sociology Vol. 18 Iss. 2. Max Planck Institute for the Study of Societies (MPIfG), Cologne.
  15. Mitchell, Deborah. 2000. Globalization and social cohesion: Risks and responsibilities. The Year 2000 International Research Conference on Social Security.
  16. Tierney, Stephen. 2015. Which Pluralism? 186-203 in Nationalism and Globalisation. Bloomsbury Publishing.
  17. Kauffman, Eric. 2004. Rethinking Ethnicity: Majority Groups and Dominant Minorities. 40-57. Psychology Press.
  18. Lund, Susan and Tyson, Laura. 2018. Globalization is Not in Retreat. Council on Foreign Relations.
  19. Sides, John; Tesler, Michael, and Vavreck, Lynn. 2018. Identity Crisis: The 2016 Election & the Battle for the Meaning of America. Princeton University Press.
  20. Eckman, James. 2017. Globalism vs. Nationalism: The Ideological Struggle of the 21st Century. Wall Street Journal.
  21. Haidt, Jonathan. 2016. When and Why Nationalism Beats Globalism. 46-53 in The American Interest Vol. 32 No. 3. The American Interest.
  22. Cuperus, Rene. 2007. Populism against Globalisation: A New European Revolt. Kalevi Sorsa Foundation.
  23. Spannaus, Andrew. 2018. Regime Change and Globalization Fuel Europe’s Refugee and Migrant Crisis. Consortium News.

The Invention of Religion


Alexander Drake’s The Invention of Religion is one of the most convincing account against the authenticity  of religion. Drake uses concepts of social psychology like conformism, authority and conditioning to make an argument as to how religion actually came into existence due to fallacies in our cognitive abilities. Meticulously building on concepts such as ritual, worship, deity, soul and afterlife, Drake convincingly argues that it is absence of knowledge that leads to the creation of religion. Although I do not consider myself a hardcore atheist, this book did manage to convince to look more deeply into the subject which I intend on doing in the near future.

After a long time, I read some fiction and what great fiction it was! The Perks of Being a Wallflower is one of those books you can read over and over again and not be bored by. There are few characters like the protagonist Charlie with whom I could relate so much with. And Sam’s message at the end of the book coupled with some of the best quotes in  literature (We only accept the love we think we deserve) makes it a must read for every teenager and young adult out there.


Summer Reading II: Non-Fiction


In the previous post, I had listed down books which predominantly fell into the fiction genre. In contrast, this post will focus primarily on non-fiction. However, before I start listing down my favorites of the genre, I’ll be doing a short section on contemporary fiction first for the sake of achieving a sense of completion.

Contemporary Fiction

To be honest, I haven’t read a lot of contemporary fiction. I haven’t all the books listed over here. I’ve included them purely on the basis of the recommendations of the online community as well as a few credible friends.

  • The Fault in Our Stars- John Green
    Two terminally ill teenagers meet and fall in love. This books is an absolute favorite among my female friends. Get ready to get all teary eyed.
  • The Kite Runner- Khaled Hosseni
    Set in modern Afghanistan, The Kite Runner chronicles the lives of two young Afghan boys as they witness the fall of the Afghan monarchy, the Soviet intervention and the rise of the Taliban regime.
  • Q&A- Vikas Swarup
    The book on which the Oscar winning movie Slumdog Millionaire is based on, Q&A offers us a glimpse into the dark, macabre lives of children in Mumbai’s slums. After reading the book, you’ll genuinely happy and content with the quality of life you’ve got.
  • The Book Thief- Markus Zusak
    Few books have left me in such a maelstrom of emotions as The Book Thief. Set in Nazi Germany and narrated by Death Himself, it is the story of 13 year old Liesel Meminger as she struggles to find happiness and meaning through books.
  • Midnight’s Children- Salman Rushdie
    When a book wins the ‘Booker of Bookers’ in both the 25th and the 40th anniversary of the prize, you know it has to be something spectacularly good. Set in post-colonial India, with its magical realism, Midnight’s Children is just that. A must read for every literature aficionado.


  • The Prophet-Khalil Gibran
    The magnum opus of my favorite poet, The Prophet is filled with timeless advice on everything imaginable: love, work, family, children, relationships, hate. And the lines are so beautiful that they are bound to strike a chord with your heart.
  • Gitanjali- Rabindranath Tagore
    This work by Tagore made him the first non-European in history to win a Nobel Prize. And it wasn’t without good reason. Even though I read the translated version, I found his verses to be overwhelmingly euphonious.
  • 20 Love Songs and a Song of Despair– Pablo Neruda
    The champion of passion and unrequited love, Pablo Neruda has given words to the ardor of countless lovers across the globe. This is a collection of some of his very best (See Twin Geniuses: Tagore and Neruda).
  • Essential Rumi- Coleman Barks
    The translated works of 13th century Sufi mystic poet Rumi, Essential Rumi is a treasure trove of wisdom imparted by the mystic almost over a millennium ago. Like Gibran, Rumi’s lines will definitely manage to reach the deepest centers of your heart.

I realize that the poetry I’ve listed are all translated works. If you want to read ‘pure’ English poetry, look for the works of William Blake (Songs of Innocence and Experience), Walt Whitman (Leaves of Grass), Emily Dickinson, Robert Frost, T.S.Eliot, Alfred Lord Tennyson and Edgar Allen Poe.


  • Steve Jobs- Walter Isaacson
    What sets Walter Isaacson’s biography apart is its unapologetic honesty of the man who founded the most valuable company on the planet. Halfway through the book, I hated and loved Jobs at the same time. Very few books will give you such honesty.
  • The Man Who Knew Infinity- Robert Kanigel
    My favorite biography, Kanigel’s account of Indian genius Ramanujan is probably the most comprehensive account you will get of the great mathematician’s life.
  • The Accidental Billionaires- Ben Mezrich
    Although not a biography per se, Mezrich’s tale of the rise of Facebook and a bitter legal battle that ensued shortly after its launch makes it an exhilarating read.
  • Surely you’re joking, Mr. Feynman!- Richard Feynmann
    The autobiography of one of the most eccentric physicists of the twentieth century, this book is an account of the craziest adventures and discussions undertaken by Feynmann.

Art, Culture and History

  • Natasha’s Dance- Orlando Figes
    Russia has given some of the greatest authors in history. Russian novels and stories can pierce your heart like no other. This book is an account of the cultural history of Russia that gives us an insight into the kinds of developments that took place that led to the rise of the Russian arts.
  • The Story of Art- E.M.Gombrich
    This introduction to art gives us an account of its history from cave paintings to experimental art of the 1960s.
  • On Writing- Stephen King
    This semi-autobiography of King is an ode to the art of writing and the struggles and delights of being a writer.
  • The Diary of a Young Girl- Anne Frank
    The unintentional autobiography of Holocaust’s most famous victim, The Diary of a Young Girl gives us a surreal glimpse into the lives of the Jews hiding in Nazi Germany.
  • Unbroken- Laura Hillenbrand
    This collection of stories from World War 2 gives us accounts of survival, resilience and redemption showcased by civilians and armies alike.

Technology, Math and Startups

  • Zero to One- Peter Thiel
    A collection of the notes of the class taught by founder of Paypal and Palantir, Peter Thiel, Zero to One is widely regarded as the bible of starting up.
  • The $100 Startup– Chris Guillebeau
    This book is about micro-businesses and roaming entrepreneurs and how it is actually feasible making a living out of doing something that you love (See Microbusiness and Travel)
  • The Code Book- Simon Singh
    One of my favorite non-fiction books of all time, The Code Book narrates the little told story of the art of security and secret writing.
  • Fermat’s Last Theorem- Simon Singh
    This book is an account of a three centuries long struggle to prove Fermat’s Last Theorem; a proof which Fermat claimed not to have put on paper because it required too much space.
  • God Created The Integers- Stephen Hawking
    With commentary from Hawking, God Created the Integers highlights the biggest mathematical breakthroughs in the history of mankind which went to shape human civilization as we know it.


  • A Brief History of Time- Stephen Hawking
    Arguably the most famous science book of all time, A Brief History of Time gives the layman a glimpse into the wonderfully complicated universe that we live in and our struggle to understand it.
  • A Short History of Nearly Everything- Bill Bryson
    This book on Big History gives us an account of the history of the Universe, from the Big Bang to the present day (See Big History)
  • Chariot of the Gods- Erich von Daniken
    A bold hypothesis of how human civilization was shaped by extra terrestrial beings who visited Earth a long time ago, Chariot of the Gods is the quintessential account (and possibly proof) of panspermia and intelligent extra-terrestrial life.
  • What If- Randall Munroe
    In this book, former NASA scientist and founder of xkcd comics Randall Munroe answers absurd questions regarding the world and the universe (See Of Science and Comic Books)

Philosophy and Religion

  • The God Delusion- Richard Dawkins
    The bible of atheism, The God Delusion argues how the probability of a supernatural being existing is almost zero if the theory of evolution is to be believed.
  • The Dhammapada- Anonymous
    The Dhammapada is a collection of the Buddha’s teachings and gives us a glimpse into the teachings and principles of Buddhism.
  • History of Western Philosophy- Bertrand Russell
    History of Western Philosophy is an account of every major philosophical thought from the time of the ancient Greeks to the present

Economics and Psychology

  • Freakonomics and Superfreakonomics- Steven Leviit and Stephen Dubner
    The craziest economics books you can find, Freakonomics and Superfreakonomics tell us about the hidden side of everything. Why do drug dealers live with their moms? Why should suicide bombers buy life insurance? How did legalization of abortion lead to a drop in crime rate in the US? Read the books to find out.
  • Thinking Fast and Slow- Daniel Kahneman
    The bible of Behavioral Economics, Thinking Fast and Slow is one of the best books you’ll read on the subject (See Revisiting Psychology)
  • Predictably Irrational- Dan Ariely
    Like the previous book, this too gives us an insight into the anomalies and idiosyncrasies of human behavior. A must read for anyone who plans on starting a business or is in marketing or public relations (See Human Behavior and Irrationality)
  • Economics in One Lesson- Henry Hazlitt
    A champion of the Austrian School of Economic Thought, Hazlitt tries to explain the problems with traditional economic principles through a series of well known historical cases.
  • The Man Who Mistook His Wife For A Hat- Oliver Sacks
    A brilliant account of the strangest cases encountered by Sacks in his medical career, this book is a must read for anyone with the slightest interest in Clinical Psychology.
  • Interpretation of Dreams- Sigmund Freud
    One of the pioneers of the field of Psychology, Freud sets out to explain how our dreams can tell us much about our deepest desire, passion, pain and ambition.

And I shall stop here. I think I have covered a majority of the major fields of interest. Yet, I understand that one person’s experience with books leads to the creation of a relatively skewed list. Again as before, this list is in no ways exhaustive of any kind. There are plenty of amazing books I haven’t listed or have missed out on. Please feel free to list them in the comments.



For the past few days, I have been reading the works of German philosopher Friedrich Nietzsche. The first book I read, Thus Spoke Zarathustra, is widely considered as his magnum opus. I read the Rothingdale’s English version of the book. And by far, this is easily the most difficult book I’ve read. Nietzsche seemed to produce a myriad of ideas in a space of a very few lines that was extremely hard to grasp unless you read through them at least half a dozen times. And each line could be interpreted in a thousand different ways. No wonder the book has been sighted as one of the most misunderstood, misquoted and misrepresented book of all time.

As you go through some of the chapters, it is entirely possible that you extract Nazi principles out of it. I researched a little on this and I found that the Nazis actually did cite this work as support to many of its ideologies. As mentioned above, this was an extremely hard book to read and I probably grasped only a tenth of what was being said. A quick surfing through a few Reddit forums told me that I wasn’t alone. Apparently to understand the book completely, one had to read Nietzsche’s previous works. Also, the Kauffman translation, which preceded Rothingdale’s by a couple of years was the relatively easier read.

Thus Spoke Zarathustra starts with its titular character descending the mountains from a period of self-exile to claim that God is dead. And throughout the book, this is the primary message he tries to propagate. There is no such entity as God. Man mustn’t strive to attain salvation. Instead he must do everything possible to give rise to a new race of supermen, the ubermensch. Man isn’t a goal. He simply is a mean, a bridge between beast and the ubermensch. Another striking element of the book (and of Nietzsche’s other works) is his disdain for Christianity. Time and again Zarathustra mocks those with Christian values and voices out vulgarities sans any fear or shame.

From the little I understood, I’m not really a fan of Zarathustra and his teachings. The style of his preaching was painful to say the least. The book lacked poetic beauty that is characteristic of books of the same genre (The Prophet or The Dhammapada, for instance). And for the most part, I had a feeling that Nietzsche either didn’t himself understand what he was trying to say or had deliberately made the book a difficult read so as to repel the mass who would have been deeply offended by his views. Judging by Nietzsche’s reputation in the modern world, I’m inclined to go with the second proposition.

Nie 7

I followed up this book with The Antichrist. Although a far easier and concise read than Thus Spoke Zarathustra, I found myself at a loss trying to grasp some of the ideas conveyed by Nietzsche. At a very high level, Nietzsche says that goodness is the will to power, evil is anything that arises from weakness and happiness is a net increase in power. With the said definitions, he goes on to say that Christianity, which bases a lot of its principles on mercy and pity is a religion for the coward and the weak. Nietzsche believes that the weak ought to be weeded out rather than be given crutches and be treated as equals to the good (or the powerful). Extremely radical and controversial thoughts. A majority of the other sings he says went over my head. That’s probably because of my lack of knowledge of Christianity. I decided to stop after about two-thirds of the book. I’ll return to it once I’ve read up more about Christianity and Judaism, the two religions he criticizes so blatantly and unapolegetically.

Chariot of the Gods


Since the advent of the End Semester Examinations, there has not been an awful lot I have been able to do apart from drown myself in notes and browse through every social networking site I’ve ever signed up for. Still, I managed to find some time to read Chariot of the Gods, a book by German author Erik von Daniken.

The premise of the book was quite fascinating to start with. Daniken proposes a theory that our ancestors were actually in contact with intelligent extra-terrestrial beings who shaped the future of human civilization on planet Earth. I’ll admit I am a sucker for alternative and conspiracy theories. The Da Vinci Code is one of the my absolute favourites mostly on part of the kind of blasphemy it propagates so boldly. The book also was only about 220 pages long so I figured it wouldn’t take more than 3-4 hours to complete it.

I must admit I found the theories and evidence put forward to back them extremely convincing. There are a lot of things about our past that simply don’t fit into our existing model of our archaeology and scientific research and we choose to ignore it rather than develop radically different theories which could disrupt the scientific status quo.

Most of the ancient religious texts such as The Holy Bible and The Epic of Gilgamesh speak of the Gods creating a devastating flood that wiped out a majority of the human race and sparing a select few to continue their progeny (for instance, Noah in The Bible). Still others such as The Mahabharata and Mayan tablets explain in eerie detail, flying chariots with ‘Gods’ at their helm. Since most of these religions and civilizations responsible for these texts were not in contact with each other, it cannot be dismissed as mere coincidence that so many different people isolated from each other came up with the same story as a figment of their imagination.

What happened was this: Super intelligent beings from a different galaxy ventured into our solar system and found Earth. However, they found the human inhabitants over there to be savages and devoid of the technological wonders that made their travel possible. The Earthlings, on the other hand, were so fascinated by these extra terrestrial beings and their spaceships that they immediately assigned them the status of God. These aliens then taught the humans of some of their technological marvels which explains why some ancient civilizations were aware of things such as the length of a Venus year and the exact mass of planet Earth. The aliens then proceeded to interbreed with the humans and we are all descendants of this cross breeding.

These beings may have come from as close as Planet Mars. There is evidence suggesting that Deimos, one of Mars’ moons is actually an artificial satellite. Based on this evidence, it is not entirely far fetched to presume that intelligent beings actually existed on Mars millions of years ago and they immigrated to Earth once the planet became to hostile to support life any more. It is entirely possible that we are descendants of the Martians.

I’ll refrain from explaining Daniken’s theories any further as it is four in the morning and I really should go to bed. However, I’d strongly suggest you read it. It would make for amazing discussions and debates in your social circles.

Guitar, Buddhism, Wilde and Cancer


As you may have guessed from the title, a lot has been going on the past two days in my life. Firstly, I completed my 50th book of the year (yes, I know I said I’d stop reading until the end semesters but I couldn’t resist), The Picture of Dorian Gray by Oscar Wilde. It is undoubtedly one of the best works of fiction I’ve ever read and probably will ever read. This is the book since The Da Vinci Code that I was simply unable to put down. The story of a man who sells his soul for eternal youth. There is a romanticism simply in the one line description of the book. One of the main characters of the book, Lord Henry, is, to put it in layman’s terms, the villain of the book. Yet each line attributed to him is an absolute delight to read. He speaks the truth and his words pierce you like a dagger. I’ve never fell as much in love with any fictional character than I did with this spoiled connoisseur.

I had read up a little about Buddhist philosophy and the concept of Nirvana was particularly interesting so much so that I picked up the Dhammapada, a collection of sayings by the great Buddha. The book was small but its wisdom far transcended its size. Some of the Buddhist ideals are really worth applying to in our lives. I felt a sort of liberation simply by reading the book. Although I do not think I will be able to apply the principles of asceticism and stoicism that the Buddha so staunchly propagates, I do find myself wiser knowing about it. According to Buddha, Nirvana can be attained only when one is free of desires. When one is stoic to the face of pleasures, he/she becomes indifferent to grief. It is indifference to these multitude of emotions that can give you freedom from the continuous, hapless cycle of rebirth. I, however, feel differently. I believe that we ought to embrace these emotions to the fullest. We need to allow grief to sear holes into our hearts and in turn let joy fill in those holes. Emotion is paramount to human existence. It’s what makes us alive. It is the mother of all art. It is what survives in the sands of time.

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The second book I’m reading on Buddhism is a certain Siddhartha by Hermann Heese. I’m almost halfway through the book and so far, it has turned out to be a pretty interesting read. Although I do not identify myself with all the principles of Buddhism, I do intend on visiting a monastery soon. If there is one word that could sum up this entire religion, it would be peace.

Today, I finally summed up the will to resume playing the guitar again. I went through the first two weeks worth of course material of Berklee’s Intrduction to Guitar. It felt really good to play the instrument after such a long time again.

Last, but not least, I ended up writing my term paper for Engineering Electromagnetics course. It was on the possibility of a correlation between cancer and increased exposure to electromagnetic radiation. Honestly speaking, I learnt more researching about this topic than all the classes I have attended combined. It would be really cool if profs assigned a considerable portion of the course grade to term papers. That would do wonders to my GPA and would actually imbibe some knowledge of the department I’ve come to hate so passionately.

(And in case you’re interested, you can find the paper here)